The Ansible(simple) Task

The Ansible task provides you a subset of Ansible; mainly the focus is to have an inventory file (hosts) and one playbook maintainable by one spline document.


The next example you can see in the folder with same name in file ansible-docker.yaml. One Docker container is organized to have sshd installed and the Ansible connects to that container installing a few packages.

- ansible(simple):
    inventory: |
        localhost ansible_host={{ variables.container_host }} ansible_port=22 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass={{ env.PASS }}
    limit: all
    script: |
    - hosts: all
        - name: Install packages
            name: "{%raw%}{{ item }}{%endraw%}"
            state: present
            {% for package in model.packages %}
              - {{ package }}
            {% endfor %}

Notes on Jinja Templating

Spline does use Jinja2 for templating and Ansible does it as well. You have to control when the templating applies and when not. In given example we would like to have a playbook that finally looks like following:

- hosts: all
    - name: Install packages
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
          - curl
          - git
          - cmake

That’s why the evaluation of item has been suppressed. Also you cannot insert the packages just by writing {{ model.packages }} but the result is a Python list with 3 strings. Three lines with items are wanted (as you can see above); of course a filter could apply rendering as yaml syntax but then you also have to manage indentation which turned out to be difficult (have not found a way to pass current indentation).

Hosts, ports, user and password

For the Docker example it was sufficient to define user and password in the inventory file. Of course credentials in code are not fine but you can inject the credential from outside (environment variable) or you use the mechanism only for setting up a regression environment with no access to any production environment.

Reading the documentation about Ansible inventory you also shoud be able to use ansible_ssh_private_key_file.

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